A 3-member Venezuelan migrant family: Dad, Mom and their 3-year-old little son, wander among the few cars that transit the city. After several days locked in a tiny room and with nothing to eat, the only option left was to go out on the streets to ask for help, a help that hardly comes to pay for the room they now call home.Images like these are the results of 3 months of isolation in which the most vulnerable find no way out and where the global economic recession leads to a sharp increase in unemployment rates. No doubt this is the perfect setting for networks of sexual and labor explotation to take advantage of the circumstances of the men, women and children who are driven by despair, victims of illicit activities, such as prostitution, the sale of children with sexual explotation purposes, driven to take part in the production and distribution of child pornography, among others.

We invite you to be part of a constant prayer network for those who have no voice and who are in slavery, who have been exposed to evil, so that their lives are restored by the only One who can make it possible our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please let’s do it now, post your prayer below so that more people continue to join this great petition.

