The world closed its borders after the coronavirus pandemic took the streets, cities, and countries. Thousands of inmigrants: entire families, women and children were trapped in those dividing lines, with no options to continue their journey and with very few resources to stay there, with no definite date to follow.

A desperate situation, the perfect setting for sex trafficking networks to take advantage of situations like these.

Border territories such as Colombia and Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru, Mexico and the United States, Central American countries such as El Salvador and Honduras, or further afield Greece and Turkey have become places where the most vulnerable are at risk.

This has been stated by the United Nations Office, ¨Children are at risk when they are forced to ask for food at the borders and be victims of trafficking¨

As there are fewer social and public services in operation, this vulnerable population has nowhere to escape.

This crime that especially hits women and children, in a higher percentage, is a concern for organizations like the Dunamis Foundation that seeks to prevent and help those who have fallen into situations like these.

We invite you to be part of a constant prayer network for those who have no voice and who are in slavery, who have been exposed to evil, so that their lives are restored by the only One who can make it possible our Lord Jesus Christ.

Please let’s do it now, post your prayer below so that more people continue to join this great petition.

if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. Matthew 18:19
