70 days have passed since the Ecuadorian government announced the closure of the country due to the Covid-19 crisis. During this quarantine period, domestic violence has escalated surprisingly in Ecuadorian homes, with approximately 41 cases of domestic violence reported every day. Within these calls for help, the Center for Action and Promotion of Women (CEPAM) has counted around 13 feminicides nationwide, which includes three minors who were killed by people within their family nucleus .

The national police, with its family violence unit together with the council of the judiciary, have started violence prevention campaigns and also how to report and attend to these cases more effectively.

Dunamis Foundation has also done its part with prevention campaigns, in conjunction with the national police, so that anyone who is suffering from domestic violence can receive help from law enforcement officers. We ask the entire Dunamis community to join this campaign of prayer for all Ecuadorian homes that suffer any type of violence and that it is God who protects and strengthens these people.

Source: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2020/05/22/nota/7847871/dia-41-casos-violencia-contra-mujer-atendieron-unidades-judiciales?fbclid=IwAR1O5qRL494bFDJqhexTHPaZFJJkeQJkpdFmQUbubGDY37o6bg4WjUKMIJ4